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Direct Mail Is Back! (But Was It Ever Really Gone?)

Have you noticed that your mailbox is starting to fill up again? Direct mail (DM) is slowly returning as a tried-and-true method of
marketing. Smart marketers are realizing that direct mail is still an
important marketing tool.

Check out the latest trends:

  • Social media integration – Adding a Twitter handle or
    Facebook URL is now being used the same way the old 800 numbers were.
    These links are good for timed offers or exclusives to social media
  • Personalized and customized mailings – Personalization is not
    new, but it has grown to a new level. Improved data capture and
    database software allow for a more robust body of information,
    translating into more targeted and personalized messages.
  • Driving web traffic – With all of the new data capabilities,
    marketers are sending customers to customized micro-sites and landing
    pages based on the user’s purchasing history. Transaction history and
    advanced demographics create an individualized experience.
  • Marketing Automation – A well-targeted direct mail campaign
    could have a call to action for an offer only available online. Once the
    customer has clicked on the site, a chain of auto-response emails is
    started that will take the prospect further down the purchase
    decision-making process. Each step taken is recorded in the customer’s
    record for future intelligent marketing activities.

Provident Slide MailerAt Austin & Williams, we utilize all of these concepts
for many of our clients who share our belief in the continued strength
and importance of direct mail. Where do you stand in the DM debate? Is
it a dinosaur or still a vital part of your marketing plan? Let us know!


senior director of agency operations


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