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Austin Williams Creative Warriors

Our business takes mountains of creativity! Whether coming up with a catchy tagline or a deep dive into the DNA of a business, we know that thinking outside the box is often what gets the job done.

Our Creative Warrior program recognizes our colleagues who exhibit and exemplify the best in fearless thinking. People who start meetings with “You’re gonna think I’m crazy,” or stick to their guns with a “just hear me out.”

“Our clients look to us for solutions to their challenges—and usually the best ones come from the people willing to push envelopes and buck trends,” said Eva LaMere, president of Austin Williams. “We love celebrating our talents that have given us the reputation for being not just problem solvers but inspiring thinkers.”

Recently, we recognized two of our colleagues with the Creative Warrior award—that includes ownership of the warrior-like shield emblazoned with key phrases that embody the spirit of creativity:

Allie Seal, director of digital strategy, was recognized for her “creative bravery” by two colleagues who praised her “rare mix of strategic, creative and tactical skill” and for “taking the agency’s SEO and social game to a whole new level,” earning the respect of colleagues and clients alike.

Jody Bonaventura-Fisher, senior art director, was recognized by two colleagues for her creative bravery: “She is never one to shy away from a challenge,” and “steps out of her role to ask the strategic questions that lead to the best possible work for AW’s clients.”

We award a new Creative Warrior regularly—check back for more soon!


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