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organic social media strategist

Katey DiStefano

Katey is an ocean-loving, meme-slinging organic social media strategist at AW. Here, she dives deep into strategy to deliver content that engages targets, builds relationships, and improves brand awareness.

When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a marine biologist with every ounce of my being, and I still do. I had posters of Jacques Cousteau on my bedroom wall next to my New Kids on the Block posters.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

“You will be too much for some people. Those aren’t your people.” Due to circumstances beyond my control, I was given this overactive personality and I feel obligated to share it.

What makes a great brand?

Personality. I think brand personality is what connects you to your consumers. Brands should be living, breathing, ever-evolving beings — because that’s who their targets are.

What’s the best idea you’ve ever had?

For my personal brand, The Mother Octopus, I pitched a great idea to a company called Worthy to get them to help me sell my engagement ring after I got divorced. In return, they’d pay for me to go on a solo dream trip to the Pacific Northwest for a week while I created content throughout the trip for their social media platforms and their blog. It was incredible.

What are people always surprised to find out about you?

People are always surprised to learn that I’m actually a writer who has a literary agent. As a social media content creator, folks tend to think that I only create quick, consumable content, so people are always surprised to learn that my background as a writer is what led to creating content. The longer form content I’ve written for my brand, The Mother Octopus, has garnered me agency representation through Folio Literary Management for a memoir that I plan to write . . .  someday.

Re-name Austin Williams with two other “A W” words.

Artistically Wired

Name your top five desert island books/movies.

OOF. This is tough. I have to adjust this to Top 5 books/movies/albums – sorry.

BOOKS Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides, The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger.

ALBUMS – Astral Weeks by Van Morrison, 2112 by RUSH.

MOVIE – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


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