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Hey, Where’d You Get That Blog?

I’m always impressed (and frankly, sometimes a little irked) by people who seem to have an endless supply of blog topics. I don’t happen to be one of them. But, I am trying, and hopefully getting better at it.
For those of you who find yourselves in the same “what to blog” boat that I’m in, I thought I’d share with you a few of the more interesting ways to find topics that I read about in this Foghound article that I’ve seen work for some of my colleagues:

  • Take sides. If there’s an issue playing out in your industry, articulate what you believe and why. No one does this better than Rick Chiorando, our creative director (although we do usually have to rein in his “enthusiasm” a bit).
  • Conferences. Heading to a meeting or expo? Blog about it. Share your review of the speakers or your overall conference experience. Tim Eschenauer’s series of posts on SMX East is a great example.
  • Industry news. Give your take on the latest business or industry headlines. Carolyn Cavalcante did just that when GAP (briefly) changed its logo a few months back.

There you have them: just three of the 17 recommended ways to find an interesting blog topic. So for those of you who haven’t posted a blog in a while (and you know who you are), get cracking! There’s more to blog about than you think. (However, I am done for now.) For those of you who post often, where do you get your inspiration? Please share your tips!


Vice President, Communications Strategist


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