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How Do You Know When It’s Time for a Creative Swap?

There’s much to consider when launching a new ad campaign. Generating catchy ideas and memorable copy, creating graphics that set you apart from the competition, deciding which tactics to employ, analyzing your findings to inform future decisions–it takes a village (or in our case, an agency).

There can be a feeling of conclusion when your campaign has successfully launched and is in-market, but the effort doesn’t stop there. It’s important to keep a watchful eye on how your ads are performing. Something to consider during the life of your campaign is when to swap your creative out for something fresh. If you show your target audience an ad too many times, you risk creative fatigue. If you don’t show your ad enough, it’s forgotten and won’t drive any conversions. Like most things in life, it’s a balancing act.

While there’s no surefire way to know when it’s time to introduce something new, there are some telltale signs of creative fatigue and ways to prevent it.


Watch for these telltale signs of creative fatigue

Changes in your digital campaign performance can be a sign that your audience is tired of seeing your ads so keeping an eye on your metrics is essential. Tracking the click-through rate (CTR) over the course of the campaign is specifically important. A high CTR means that your ads are interesting enough to compel your audience to click through to your platform, learn more, and hopefully take the action you want them to take. If your CTR is not where it once was and you see a decline or plateau, it may be time for something new.

Similarly, be mindful of engagement. Engagement connects your brand and the consumer. Look at your analytics to determine if your audience is connecting with your digital ads. Are they watching, clicking, and swiping? Are they following, commenting, and sharing? Make note of how this engagement trends: If you were getting decent traction at first and see it start to dwindle, it’s time to think about a creative refresh.


Even small changes can revive your campaign

If time and resources allow, generating a new ad to swap into the campaign can really make an impact. However, to revive your campaign, you don’t have to start entirely from scratch. Even small changes to your creative can alleviate fatigue:

Try a new CTA

Maybe your current call-to-action (CTA) isn’t compelling your audience enough to convert. You’ll want something that sparks action.

Tweak copy a bit

Your copy may be missing the mark with your audience. Since you’ve been running a campaign for a while, you’ll have more insight and information about your targets and what triggers a positive response. This will help guide you in the best way to speak to them.

Swap from a static to an animated asset

Adding a little animation will make your creative more eye-catching and engaging. Consumers might spend more time looking at your ad to watch the animation, helping engagement to tick back up.

Change up the VO or music in a video placement

Your audience might hear the first few beats of your ad and already know what it is and tune out. If you swap up the music or VO, it will sound like it’s a brand-new ad, even if it’s not.

Refreshing ads while still maintaining your brand identity will keep your campaign consistent and reinforce your message with your audience.

If you know what to look for, you can catch creative fatigue before it sets in, keep your audience interested and engaged and, most importantly, have them convert to the action you’d like.

Looking for a marketing team in the business of inspiring action? Contact us.





Kate Herrmann


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